Polymeric and inorganic wastewater treatment
Profiltra Italia Srl is a company with more than 30 years’ experience in the study and realisation of membrane separation systems with salt loads or complex organic materials.
Profiltra Italia Srl is a company with more than 30 years’ experience in the study and realisation of membrane separation systems with salt loads or complex organic materials.
The wide range of polymeric and inorganic membranes, diversified according to their degree of porosity and geometry, allows their use in various processes in the treatment
Profiltra Italia Srl makes use of pilot plants for industrial scale-ups (small and medium-sized process plants that replicate the behaviour of large industrial plants) by carrying out on-site tests
L’obiettivo principale di Profiltra Italia Srl è la soddisfazione dei propri clienti e lo fa offrendo un servizio a 360° dalla progettazione alla post vendita.
Il post vendita include